Learn to Row
Have you never rowed before? Are you a novice who wants to improve your technique? Are you an adult who is over the age of 21? Do you want to get more fit? Make new friends? Enjoy the great outdoors? Learn a new skill?
If you answered YES to any of these, Northern Virginia Rowing Club invites you to learn to row with us each summer beginning in May!
Rowing is a total body, low impact workout that surpasses any other sport. Rowing incorporates the use of your legs (70%), core (20%) and upper body (10%) while providing an aerobic and/or anaerobic workout. Rowing is also ideal cross-training for other sports and activities.
Spots are limited each year. Please fill out our form to register your interest!
Please note
If you have not been recently active in strenuous sports activities, then we highly recommend consulting a doctor before coming out to row. Rowing is a full-body exercise that includes intense and sustained exertion, as well as the lifting of heavy equipment. (A rower needs to be able to lift 30 lbs overhead then carry that weight at shoulder height when moving large boats to and from the water.)